Thursday, September 1, 2011

Perception vs. Reality of Adulthood

There is something that is so unbelievably awesome about being an adult children everywhere can't wait to get there.
I'm pretty sure if a product came out on the market for children that offers them instant adultness there would be a mad scramble and a riot to get it.
I remember being little and thinking it would be so cool to have a car, and no bed time, and no homework, nor having people tell me what to do all the time. If I were an adult, I could watch whatever I wanted on TV, eat whatever I wanted for dinner, never had to share my toys and do whatever I pleased.
The perception of all of that is beyond amazing! That is like you can ride a unicorn, and keep it in your bedroom amazing!
Time to break it down.
Perception of car: You can go wherever you want whenever you want and can listen to whatever you want on the radio and a car just makes you amazing at life.
Reality of car: While the freedom is nice, the car is also a money pit. You have to pay out the nose for gas to fuel the car, you need to get its oil changed, and make sure the brakes and engine are working. You also have to take the responsibility of not killing anyone while you drive around in a chunk of metal.
Perception of bedtime: It does not exist
Reality of bedtime: It doesn't exist, unless you are my husband who goes to bed about 10:30 everynight during the week. He also answers to an alarm clock.
Perception of no homework: AMAZING.
Reality of no homework: AMAZING!!!! But you now have to do things like pay bills. Lame!
Perception of dinner and TV: Eat whatever you want, and watch whatever you want.
Reality: True, but I don't eat icecream for dinner and breakfast like I thought I would. I'm disapointed in myself. It also sucks having to come up with dinner ideas.
Perception of never having to share: Makes children everywhere dream of being an only child.
Reality: You share everything, and not just toys but EVERYTHING, especially if you're married.
Being a child does seem fun on some days, butt for the most part, there is stuff about being an adult that makes me want to dance around small children and sing "na na na na na naaa naaaaaah I'm an adult and you're noooooooooott!"
When you see me walking with a limp, assume I've been kicked in the kneecaps by a four year old.

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