Monday, June 10, 2013

The Ode to Costco

It is impossible to make a quick trip to Costco.

Even moving at Mo speed, Costco takes a while. And it's not just because it is a treasure hunt to find things. For the record, I've gotten very good at climbing through the shelves to grab what I need.

It's fine. The other adults have even asked me to grab them one of the items I was climbing for. Costco has yet to tell me not to.

It is impossible to stick to the Costco shopping list.

It is impossible to get in and out of the Costco parking lot.

It's just impossible to get in and get out of Costco.

In fact, if there was a fire and Costco was burning down, people would not move out of the parking lot to give way to the fire trucks because the fire trucks would be taking the premium parking spots.

I was on Costco duty today because I ignored my Costco duties over the weekend. I do have a good excuse, but I still had to make the trip today.

Strawberries, blueberries, cherries, vinegar, lettuce, apples, and milk were all on the list.


Then there was a Tshirt added. And then three books, because they needed a better home and my crammed bookcase always has room for one more, I say this as I watch it lean. It's fine. It's fine. Then there was grass seed which we really do need and while you're there you might as well grab it, just like the lemonade mix, and raspberries.

Costco is the new Target.

Amber Dusick of Crappy Pictures Blog, posted about Target a while ago.

The just of it:

But now it's more like this:

Ignore the small people in the cart, Amber drew them there, and I'm not an awesome computer drawer like her. Amber I do not know you, and we will probably never meet since my blog it teeny-tiny (seriously people, feel free to share this blog) But thanks for letting me rip off your drawing you spent a lot of time making.

Moving on.

Even when you do make it through the store quickly (this has never happened, but one day it will) you have to wait through the checkout process. There really needs to be a line for 50 items or less. Or better yet, I have my sh!t together and am not paying with pennies or by check.

I know people are on a no credit card kick. I blame the Duggars:

These people who have used their show to "share their beliefs" with America, among them being no credit cards.

I understand some people struggle with paying them off every month.

And I know Costco only accepts AmEx, but if you go through Costco you get your picture on the card. HOORAY!

but for those of us who are responsible should not have to stand in line forever while people write a check and watch it be processed.

My time is not more valuable than others, I just hate waiting in line.

Costco is the magical land where all your dreams come true.

You wish for it hard enough and you can find it on aisle 22.