Thursday, December 8, 2011

I am the 67.8% Complaining About Healthcare

I should be occupying Seattle, or Wall Street, or something other than my couch. I fit the Occupier 99% demographic perfectly. I have a college degree without a job. I enjoy making signs and sleeping in tents. I find the banks and healthcare to be annoying (and I have healthcare and a banking account).

I don't know if what I lack in doing math stuff, I make up for in common sense but I'm thinking camping in cities is not accomplishing what you think it is. Hear that? Yeah, that's people laughing at you on their way to work.

I can be laughed at from the comfort of my home, thank-you-very-much.

Everyone has choices in life. I chose to marry well, instead of sleeping in a tent. The perfect princess story.

No, not really. I married well with the intention I would find a career. Not a job, anyone can find a job. People are always looking for convenience store clerks and people to fill their coffee cups.

When you're twenty something you don't really think about healthcare. You think about beer, bars, TV, and that bill you kinda-sorta-maybe forgot about. Most companies offer some type of healthcare, and if they don't, you buy it. Done. Or, you take the risk that you won't need it.

I have healthcare now. It is one of the best plans you can have in the U.S. and it still has its flaws.

I spent more than an hour on the phone with Orlando, a man who does not know his numbers, my name or how to abbreviate Washington. I'm thinking healthcare is unnecessary if I have to deal with Orlando ever again.

"What state do you live in?'
"Right, WH. It's not coming up."
"No, Washington. Like George Washington?"
"Oh, are you in DC?"
"No, I'm in Washington State."
"Oh, WS. It's not coming up. Where do you live again?"
"W as in Walrus. A as in apple."
"WA? What comes up after that?"
"Nothing, that is my state's abbreviation."

Insert me beating my head against a wall.

After he figured out where I lived, we now had to go over my city. The doctor's phone number. And why the doctor's phone number was not coming up. After another circle conversation, I figured out he wanted the FAX number.

Did you know those were different?

He didn't.

He then wanted me to call my doctor's office, have them fax all of my records to him, and then he would set up my prescription by mail account. Uhhhhh, no.

1) I am not making the busy office people do more work.
2) I don't want my records being sent to you, you creepy man.
3) Call me paranoid, and I know my records are viewed by insurance companies all the time, I just don't want them being faxed.
4) Why is this so difficult?

"What is your doctor's name?"
"Le (pronounced Lee) L-E."
"I'm not finding her. What is her first name?"
"True, T-R-I-E-U"
"I'm still not finding her."
"Can you spell her last name again?"
I do.
"Can you spell her first name again?"
I do.
"What city is the office located?"
"What is the address again?"
I tell him.
"And what is her last name?"

By this point I am five seconds away from cancelling my health insurance then dealing with the cotton headed ninny muggins for another second.

After another 20 minutes, he was able to locate my doctor.

After all that, I find out that instead of calling in my refill into the pharmacy. I now have to call my doctor to have her rewrite the prescription to send to the insurance company to have the insurance company mail it to me.

Does that seem weird to anyone else?

I appreciate the healthcare, I really do. But this is just insane!

This is taking advantage of the system health insurance created. This is making me jump through unnecessary hoops. This is just mean. Not just to me, even if I do have to make a million more phone calls than necessary, but also to my doctor who already wrote the prescription the first time!

 I don't think anything is going to fix the horrible thought process that created the horrible system. It's beyond broke.

So I am the 67.8% I have healthcare, but no job. I have a degree with student loans but am not sleeping in a tent on a sidewalk. I also enjoy showering regularly and my comfy bed.

Yes, I want changes. Am I going to boycott? Not with my injury record. Besides, a boycott of one isn't a boycott, it's called ignoring.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but it will probably involve a Super Soaker, orange soda, a Slip N' Slide, and cotton balls.

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