Monday, January 10, 2011

The MS Wife...

I'm officially an adult. I have a paycheck, I have bills, and a plant I'm trying not to kill. I'm also married to a Microsoft employee, Chris. Somehow, Microsoft went from being a company that ran and, on occasion, froze my computer, to a company that is in my backyard.

The last couple of months have been a learning curve. I've learned how to clean a washer and dryer, fish a vacuum cleaner filter out of a dumpster. I've learned what happens if you forget about leftovers in the fridge, and what you can and cannot put in a garbage disposal.

I've also learned the rules to board games I didn't even know existed. And I've met people who really, truly, actually, play "World of Warcraft," "Dungeons and Dragons," and "Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock." I thought these games were made up for the purpose of shows like "IT Crowd" and "The Big Bang Theory." My mistake. I do, however, sympathize, even more, with Penny after having to play some of the games. I still refuse to play "Dungeons and Dragons" or D&D, as the boys call it, and "World of Warcraft."

Anyway, this is my journey as I enter adulthood, adjust to life in Seattle, and try to keep the last of our three trees from our wedding alive.

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