How would one describe Pinterest?
The beauty of it is, you can't.
It's a magical place where there are recipes, memes, arts and crafts, DIY, house decorating and remodel ideas, movie quotes and posters, travel destinations, photography, and everything you could possibly be interested in, on one site.
When you find something you like, you can save it to a "board" specifically for the topic of your choice; an Internet version of a pinboard similar to what a teacher may have in their classroom, or someone who is ridiculously organized and has everything on a pinboard in their kitchen. And on that board is everything that makes you laugh, and insecure with your crafting, cooking, and organizing skills.
It also can suck you into the Internet and will never release you. I don't know how many times I've said, "I'm going to take a ten minute break, check Pinterest and continue writing." A couple hours later I close out of Pinterest and I have a half finished writing project there. But don't worry, I know what colors will work in our bedroom that receives minimal natural light. Oops.
I love my house, I love the layout, I love the openness of the downstairs. It's a great house! B
ut after wandering on Pinterest I want to rip out closets and make reading nooks. I want to repaint the entire house, and replace drywall with an exposed brick wall. I want to redo every room seven times over, because there are so many rooms on Pinterest I love.
There was a concern about our yard and me with a shovel. I think there needs to be a bigger concern about me, the house, and Pinterest.
Whenever Chris went out of town when we were in the apartment I rearranged furniture. I'm thinking if he ever goes out of town, I'm redoing the house.
The conversation when he returns will probably go something like this:
Chris: Why is there a hole in the roof?
Mo: I wanted a skylight.
Chris: Why is there a hole in the wall?
Mo: I wanted to make a bay window with shelves for a reading nook.
Chris: Why is our kitchen completely and totally destroyed?
Mo: I wanted to refurnish the cabinets, and install new counters, and replace the floors with this crazy all natural moss like thing that works like Disney Channel's Original Movie Smart House where the floors absorb EVERYTHING!
Chris: Why is our house leaning?
Mo: I saw this really cool idea on Pinterest where you take out a wall and you get more natural light
Chris: I'm never leaving you alone in the house again
It probably would never get to the point I was able to take out an entire wall, but you never know.
But one thing I am going to do, if Chris ever leaves me home alone without a babysitter after reading this, is decorate my closet like Narnia and every time I open the closet door I can be in Narnia. Also, I'm going to make the door to my office look like a bookshelf so I can have a hidden room. If I have enough time, after I tie up my babysitter, I'm knocking out the ceiling in our Room of Requirement and building bookshelves from the floor to the roof in the attic.
Okay, who wants to kidnap Chris for a weekend and who wants to help me remodel?