Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to Change a Flat Tire

The car was sitting at a funny angle, part of it is much lower than the rest. And this discovery kept us from enjoying an evening in the sun playing catch, to doing battle with a car.
Mind you, neither have small cars. I drive a Jeep, my husband drives a Yukon. You may think my Jeep is small in comparison, but that Jeep weighs much more than you think it does. No, this will not be a slam dunk project.
Hang up: How to get spare tire off of vehicle. Gizmos and gadgets doesn't even begin to describe the difficulty we had. We saw how the tire was attached, we just needed to figure out how to unattach it. To the owner's manual!
I don't know if it's a gender thing where women are more apt to seek help before men. i.e. directions, instructions, assistance, etc. But I will decide to ask someone for help, or look at the owner's manual way before my husband is even able to conceive the notion of doing so.
When he declares my third party help is cheating, I tell him I'm saving us an hour.
Let's face it. Time is money, and when you don't have a job that pays, time is all you have, and I would really rather be doing something fun, than search a store, fight with a tire, drive in circles, or stand around.
I began reading the instruction manual, then quickly handed it off to my husband who was in the fight of his life, with a car and tire.
I stood around, then laid around, then crawled around in a crab walk, and then when the tire was finally released from the clutches of the car, I was put to work.
By work, I mean reading the instructions. I give myself props for reminding him to loosen bolts before jacking the car up, and telling him where to put the jack, after the first attempt didn't raise the car as high as we wanted.
Better late than never.
As Chris (privacy out the window) placed the spare onto the car, I gave him encouragement, something simple like good job, now do this (because the instructions say so).
A woman from another apartment walked by and exclaimed "Are you teaching him how to change a tire!?" She was in total disbelief. I think more so over the size of the tire needed for the vehicle, which is much larger than her little old Mazda.
Uhh, in the sense that I'm reading, and he's rolling around on the asphalt actually doing the lifting, sure, I'm teaching him?
Seriously, this like most things, was a joint project. Could he have done it without me? Definitely. could I have done it without him? Because I can read instructions, and my pride of being independent I would have done it. There may or may not have been, but definitely would be a call or two to my father.
I did get a nice laugh out of the manual. On every page there was a CAUTION box. Make sure the bolts are tight, make sure the tire is on correctly, make sure no one is laying under the car when it's resting on the jack, make sure you don't do something stupid, like the previous person that is now making us tell everyone else not to do the same stupid thing in these bright yellow CAUTION boxes.
I would read a step, and read the caution box to Chris. Mind you, we are now going on a full hour of changing a tire, something NASCAR pitcrews are able to do in .0001 seconds for all four tires. Chris would answer with the not so subtle "no, sh!t"
It's nice to know I did not marry one of those idiots the CAUTION boxes were designed for.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Supper Time

I know scientists, doctors, the people who make math books, say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I don't believe them.
I'm sorry, but I can't. No one ever stares at their pantry/cupboard/fridge and have no idea what they want for breakfast. There are a million options for breakfast.
  • Cold pizza
  • Heated up pizza
  • Something that once looked like pizza
  • Cereal
  • All other options involving egg/bacon/bread

Sorry, but breakfast is not that most important meal because it seems like no matter what you eat you have the rest of the day to work it off. Get the calories in your tummy and move on!


Besides, you don't see Snoopy singing about breakfast time, no he sings about Supper Time!


Supper time! When you have to get creative on what to eat, decide what you feel like eating, read cookbooks, watch cooking shows and a network devoted to food. All for one meal,and then you have to go through the process the next day, and the next and the next.


No wonder everyone is getting out of control fat in this country. It's so much easier to grab a burger or whatever than try to keep up with Rachel Ray. If I could have my way I would eat out every night, and order in on the others! I can hear my husband now, "Leftovers!"


Yes, those gross things that never taste the same. Kind of rubbery, tastes like the other leftover next to it, not a consistent warmth all the way around. Looks like it could break a window or be condemned by the bio-hazard team. Yeah, not a fan of it.


It's not that I hate making dinner, it's just not in my top fifty million things I would rather be doing. And there is only so many ways you can try to hide vegetables into meals.


Archaeologists and excavators would be amazed at how my husband is able to find every pea, carrot, corn kernel, and pick them to the side.


Name one person who is picky about breakfast. Okay, unless there is a food allergy, that tends to make that meal a tad more difficult. But it's nearly impossible for someone to have nothing they want to eat for breakfast like they do for dinner. But then again, something that resembles pizza is not that appetizing at supper time. I don't even think Snoopy would be interested.