"How's it going as being a housewife?" Someone recently asked me. It took total self control not to launch myself across the room at this person. I instead said "uhh, fine."
Now, here's the thing, I'm not a housewife. Just because I'm working from home does NOT and I will repeat NOT make me a housewife. Granted, I have not made a dollar working from home, but that is one tiny detail.
June Cleaver, Donna Reed, and Marion Cunningham were housewives. They were women that were solely responsible for cleaning the house, making dinner, laundry, vacuuming, and grocery shopping, and making their husbands' lunches.
To me the term "housewife" is so 1955. When men could not do anything for themselves, and us women had to do everything for them. Right down to making their lunches! Really guys? You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
"So what do you do all day?" This person asked me. I felt like I was being labeled, if I said I sometimes clean, then I must be a housewife. If I said I hung out and wrote, then it makes me come across as a loafer, or a mooch. Which, I am not. I don't think. No, no I'm not. Well... No.
Right, back on track.
So what makes me not a housewife you ask? One, my life is nothing like the "Housewives of..." series on TV. So, that right there helps. I'm not out spending money frivolously, because I can. I'm not spending my days playing tennis, or at the club, or doing anything to make people say "What the hell is she doing?" In the sense that I'm crazy or taking complete and total advantage of my situation.
See, doing better than the housewives on TV.
I'm also not wasting the day by watching soap operas, and talk shows. I'm not sitting on the couch eating twinkies and ho-hos. I'm also not being completely ridiculous. And I'm nothing like the women who are home all day, that I see around town.
You may not believe that I'm not a housewife. I'm not going to say that's fine, because it's not. I'm not one, but knowing that I'm not, makes all the difference.