Golf, invented so the men of Scotland did not have to talk to each other, and drink, guilt free, all day, without needing an excuse.
I'm still not sure why they opted to chase/hunt their own ball, as opposed to having someone else ruin a walk, but I'm sure they had their reasons.
Golf, like wine, is an acquired taste. It's also an acquired sport. I swear, you hit "adult" status, and golf clubs, bags, balls, and tees, miraculously appear in your house.
You try to fight it, and somehow the sport sucks you in. Not a total bad thing, but interesting on how it happens.
It's like a black hole, it just sucks you in. Then, before you know it, you're wearing plaid, knickerbockers, and and ripping grass out of the ground by its roots, and watching as a tiny white object skips and richochets its way into water and sand.
What have I learned about golf? The sport is not to chase the ball, but controlling your frustration, as the ball lands, yet again, into another trap.
And why are the traps there? It's not like it's hard enough to keep the ball straight, but other challenges need to be added, so the world can mock you. This includes trees, that are excellent at stopping the ball, and sending the ball back to the person that just teed off. Yes, that is me teeing off, and yes that is my ball that landed behind me. GO GOLF!
I'm not giving up on the sport yet, but let me know when business begins to use air hockey for all dealings, wheelings, and meetings.